zmaz formular 2020 First name:* Last name:* Title: Organization:* Organization address:* Your email:* Phone number:* I am interested in: Gala dinnerFieldtripConference proceedings I am interested in lunch: 11. 6. 202012. 6. 2020 Diet: ContinentalVegetarianGluten-free I am interested in accommodation: 10. 6. 202011. 6. 2020 Abstract submission: yesno Author and co-authors Abstract title (in English) Brief abstract in English (250 words at maximum) Presentation mode – select options: OralPoster * the entry is mandatory I agree with: Under Act 18/2018 Coll. on personal data protection, as amended, in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, I hereby voluntarily grant my consent to the processing of my personal data, their collection, aggregation with other personal data, recording, registering, organizing, browsing, use, storage and other processing by the Slovak Environment Agency, Tajovského 28, 97401 Banská Bystrica. I grant this consent for an indefinite period of time and I am aware that the consent can be revoked at any time in writing to postal address of the Slovak Environment Agency.